When using Ajax, you don't have the real link anymore, and you use the params attribute of the Ajax tag to pass a value of a component with the request. 但使用Ajax时,您不再需要真实的连接,只需使用Ajax标记的params属性传递组件值。
If you need to submit input data, use a tag with a real action attribute. 如果您需要提交输入数据,使用一个带真实动作属性的标记。
You will notice that in many cases, the XML elements have generic name tags such as "Metric" and the real identifier is carried on the name attribute of the generic element. 您将注意到,在许多情况下,这些XML元素拥有通用的名称标记(比如“Metric”),真正的标识符在通用元素的name属性上。
Double Real Right Attribute of the Use Right of Natural Resources and Its Environmental Protection Value 自然资源利用权的双重物权属性及环境保护价值
So this method can provide more real seismic information for following attribute analysis, such as AVO/ AVA. 而且可以输出正确反映地下反射系数的振幅信息,为后续的地震属性分析(如AVO/AVA)提供更真实的地震信息。
Records a name the bill of lading real right attribute fundamental research and the judicature practices 记名提单物权属性的理论研究与司法实践
Increasing real interest rate could attribute to increasing saving rate and capital accumulation. 日益下降的储蓄率提高实际利率有利于提高储蓄率,因而有利于促进资本积累。
A concept of real object and real attribute is a real concept, a concept of imaginary object and real attribute is a real concept too. 虚对象、实属性,也是实概念,如思维科学中的概念;实对象、虚属性,是虚概念,如地心说中的概念;
To overcome the shortcomings of information loss and reduction mistakes in traditional method of rules reduction, a new algorithm of rules reduction for real value attribute information system was proposed. 为了克服传统的规则约简方法容易导致信息丢失和约简错误的不足,提出了一种对实值属性信息系统进行规则约简的算法。
Under the guidance of anisotropic theory and azimuthal AVO composite seismogram from real well data, seismic attribute parameters such as amplitude, velocity and high frequency attenuation are extracted from the 3D data cube, and their azimuthal variations are used to predict the anisotropy of fractures. 在各向异性理论和实际井资料合成的方位AVO理论记录指导下,从三维方位数据体中提取地震波反射振幅、速度和高频衰减参数,并利用其方位变化特征来预测裂缝各向异性。
Real Rough Set Theory and Attribute Reduction 实域粗糙集理论及属性约简
The application of real seismic data indicated that the seismic attribute analysis technology is efficient for the exploration and exploitation recycle period of an oilfield. The application results of this technology in Ziyin Oilfield may provide a reliable basis for oilfield production. 实际资料的应用表明,地震属性分析技术是油田滚动勘探开发的一种有效技术,其研究成果为油田开发提供了可靠的依据。
In this paper, object-oriented technique has been improved to describe fuzzy data in real world among attribute, object/ class and class/ superclass levels. 本文对面向对象建模技术加以改进,使其在属性层、对象/类层和类/超类层上可直观地表示出现实世界中的模糊特征。
The real diagnosis result indicates the lasting income affects the important attribute which the Chinese rural inhabitants expends. 实证结果表明,持久收入是影响中国农民消费的重要因素。
The experimental results show that the algorithm can correctly reduce rules for real value attribute information system. 结果表明,该算法能够正确地对实值属性信息系统进行规则约简。
But finally from the judicial practice angle, inspected the world main shipping country based on definitely to record a name the bill of lading real right attribute to persist in reality the certificate sold goods the principle unitizing tendency. 最后从司法实践角度,考察了世界主要航运国家基于肯定记名提单物权属性而在实践中坚持凭单放货原则的统一化趋势。
In the implementation process of algorithm, a real number coding method was adopted with each chromosome representing an attribute set describing the negotiation project. 在该算法实现过程中,采用实数编码法进行编码,每个染色体代表一组描述协商方案的属性集。
But the west industrial organization theory embarks from the objective real situation of enterprises, and analyzes the natural attribute of monopoly. 而西方产业组织理论是从企业客观现实情况出发,分析的是垄断的自然属性,侧重强调垄断的生产力或者说是技术经济方面的因素。
In view of Civil Law, separating human organ or tissue from human body has real right attribute, and we dominate it will come into being property right and its rule of Chinese law of real right. 从民法的立场观察,脱离人体的器官或组织具有物权属性,对它的支配产生物权法上的所有权及其规则。
Finally, it is put forward that the real time attribute of the algorithm can be improved by changing the reference point of the distance measure in k-dimensions space, that is to say changing the value of the referential sequence. 然后通过改变维空间中距离测度的参考点来提高算法的实时性;
The threshold of laser stripe was computed by the host computer and the laser stripe was determined in real time by the neighbor attribute of grey level of pixel. The central line of laser stripe was detected by alterable direction templates. 先由主机计算激光条纹灰度阈值,再结合像素的灰度邻域属性实时确定激光条纹,然后用可变方向模板检测激光条纹中心。
It also analyzes the real attribute of mineral resources and concludes that: mineral resources in line with civil law in the "object" in nature can become the object of real right. 重点分析了矿产资源的物的属性,并得出结论:矿产资源符合民法中的物的属性,可以成为物权的客体。
Because the absolutely clear attributes do not always exist in the real world, the attribute subordinating degree is more natural and reasonable to describe the characteristics of behavior, so corresponding to clear decision tree, the fuzzy decision tree is more suitable. 由于绝对明确的属性并不总是存在于现实世界中,属性隶属度能更自然和合理地描述行为特征,因此相对于清晰决策树来说,模糊决策树更适合。
The major contents in the thesis are in the following: 1. Adding Chinese character real attribute as priori information, a off-line handwritten Chinese character recognition decision information system is constructed based on the concept of information system in generalized domain defined by Rough-Set. 2. 本文主要研究工作如下:1.基于粗糙集理论中广义论域信息系统理论,采用汉字真实值作为先验信息,构建了一种脱机手写体汉字识别决策信息系统。
In recent years, along with the development of real estate industry, the attribute of appreciation of property, as investment goods, emerges individually. The proportion of house which is bought for investment is more and more high. 近年来,随着房地产业的蓬勃发展,房地产作为投资品的增值属性逐步显现,投资性购房在市场中所占的比例日益增高。
But in real life, because of unknown phenomenon, some attribute values in many decision tables is unknown, so we call this decision table the incomplete decision table. 而在现实生活中,决策表中部分属性值未知的现象广泛存在,部分属性值未知的决策表被称为不完备决策表。
Because of the complexity and indeterminacy of the problems in the real practice of decision making, it is normal that the attribute values of alternatives are random variables, such as in project investment decision, project evaluation and production decision and so on. 在实际决策过程中,由于大量决策问题自身的复杂性和不确定性,使得方案的属性值表现为随机变量的形式,如项目投资、工程项目评估和企业生产方案选择等问题。
Consumers buy house, besides enjoying its use value and exchange value, also in social status, identity, class has a deeper level of demand, while some of the value of real estate product that corresponding advertising attribute just cater to consumer intrinsic demand. 消费者购买住宅,除了享用它的使用价值和交换价值,还在社会地位、身份、阶层上有着更深层次的需求,而房地产产品的某些价值属性致使相应的广告恰好迎合了消费者的内在需求。
Whereas, when the difference of effect of wealth and balance sheet between families and middle sectors results in that real estate risk originates in different sectors, the impact on macro economy is diverse, namely that real estate risk has strong attribute of sector. 但是财富效应与资产负债表效应在家庭和中间品生产部门中的差异导致二者会对宏观经济产生不同的影响,即房地产风险具有很强的部门属性。
In addition to the value-in-use of general products, the Real Estate has some attribute of investment properties. 房地产产品除了具有一般产品的使用价值之外,还具有一定的投资品属性。